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August 12, 2015, was the day my life changed. It was the day my farther passed away in an intensive care unit room with me laying by his side as he left this world and left a hole in my heart. There are no words to describe the loss of someone so important in your life. Some people say they are "in a better place". Some say they are "no longer suffering." Therefore you should be happy or relieved? There is nothing anyone can say to you in those moments that is going to make you "feel better". All the condolences in the world go unnoticed and at times unwanted. It was then that I made a decision to focus on my life goals. As this moment was a remembrance that life will end whenever it has to, so why waste it doing something you know not to be what you want?

Boundaries and Barriers

We live life thinking that because of our financial status, family status, sex, and/or circumstances we will not be able to accomplish what we want to in life. This is what I call excuses. You do not see the Operah's and Obama's of the world saying they "had it good" growing up. They broke down their barriers and erased their boundaries because all this is just in your head. "Where there is a will, there is a way". Believe it or not your are your worst enemy. Not the people that like to criticize, comment unwarranted, or gossip. For those people I tell you walk away and ignore, as they have nothing to offer you. When they see that their words and actions do not effect you, it will hurt them more.

Find that loan, start networking to build your business, start your hobby on the side to build your hobby into a full time business, ask for help with the kids and household so you can go to school, write that book, buy that house, go on that vacation. Whether it is a short term or life long goal..... Go for it. Find your grit. Breakdown your barriers and erase those boundaries.

Support Team

No one has walked life alone. You cannot tell me you are "self made". Every person should have a strong and positive support system. I speak from experience when I say I would not be able to run my paralegal firm, be a mother, wife, daughter, and present friend, without my family and friends. For this I am extremely blessed. I take no shame in saying "I need help". If someone offers you to help, why turn it down? Accept their offer and move towards your goal(s). You need that extra voice saying "you can do this", "you are good enough", "you will achieve". Even Disney said "It all started with a Mouse".

What is Compromise?

Woman are a constant victim of "compromise". Some give up their career for family. Some do not go for that promotion at work. Some just simply do not think their good enough. We have the gift of bearing children; which scientifically is one of the most excruciating painful experiences a "human" can experience. We were made strong but gentle and this combination is deadly. However, we choose not to use it for due to the excuses we have created in our mind. I to was there. It took many years to break the chain but I was able to surpass all my excuses and just keep moving forward. People are full of excuses "I cannot do that barbecue of this". The word "cannot" should only be use when you are refusing something that is not beneficial to you.

We all have to compromise at the end of the day. Just analyze how much you are compromising compared to the other parties involved. Think of life as a business what would be your return on investment?

Where to Start

First start with identifying your goals. If your goal is a long term one start by setting up short term ones in order to get to the long term goal. It's all about the hustle and bustle. You need to get up, get confident, and get going!

I will leave you with these last words.... YOU ARE LIMITLESS!

Do not let anyone stand in your way. Feel free to reach out to me.

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