The Importance Of Customer Satisfaction
As a freelance paralegal I have worked with many types of law firms and personalities in my career. My greatest career accomplishments are of those when the client that we are representing is completely satisfied with our services.
About two days ago a client walked into one of the law firms I am contracted by, her case is still in the beginning stages and not many co-workers speak fluent Spanish so I have the pleasure of speaking with her most often. Once she realized who I was she embraced me and thanked me for all the attention I had provided to her. She immediately fell into tears and said that I have made this difficult stage in her life much easier to bare because of my kindness. This event was the inspiration to my September 2017 article.
Everyone knows a happy customer equals better and more business. However, do they realize how much of a difference "Customer Satisfaction" really accounts for in their business? Well, I am going to throw a little bit of statistics out there for you along with some commentary.
If you have a happy customer they are most likely to refer clients. For every one happy customer it equates to nine possible referrals according to a survey conducted by American Express. It all comes down to the question "Hey do you know of anyone that?".
One unsatisfied customer can mean there are about twenty-six that do not say anything. They will most likely gossip and you will loose referrals. Furthermore, you can sell more to happy customers about 60% - 70% more according to a survey conducted by Marketing Metrics.
If you have good customer service that means you will have a good reputation and with good reputation comes more customers that are willing to pay for that "amazing service" they have heard about. About 86% of people stated they are willing to pay more for good customer service according to a survey conducted by American Express and 82% of people will leave due to bad customer service immediately.
Made a mistake? Your best bet is to apologize! Admit that you made the mistake, offer a credit, refund, discount, whatever possible. 74% of people will refer and stay satisfied if you do. Genesys surveyed 9,000 customers and 40% said they would prefer better "human service".
So how do you keep your customers happy when you grow bigger and bigger? Easy, you invest in great employers, focus on training them and always make sure that your investment was well made. If you pay your employers well, provide them with benefits that are reasonable and award them when possible then your customers will stay happy. You MUST keep the front line of your company happy in order for your customers to stay happy. You do not need a survey for this... that is just common sense.
For more information you can always email me or message me through LinkedIn I am always here to help. :)